Unknown Gunmen kills FUTA Deputy Registrar


Unknown gunmen has reportedly killed a Deputy Registrar of the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), Ondo State, Dr Amos Arijesuyo.

The Deputy Registrar who was returning to Akure from Ibadan, Oyo State capital to Akure, the Ondo State capital was attacked by bandits operating on the Ilesa-Akure highway.

He was said to have died in the hospital from gunshots wound hours after the attack.

Arijesuyo, who worked at the Guidance and Counselling unit of the Students Affairs Department of the University, was said to have been attacked alongside his driver and one other unidentified person at Iwaraja Area of Ilesa- Akure highway in Osun State.

It was gathered that the victim was also a senior Pastor at the Christ Apostolic Church, Glory of God, FUTA.

Meanwhile, FUTA, on Monday condemned the killing of the Deputy Registrar.

According to the institution in a statement signed by the University’s Head of Media and Protocols of FUTA, Adegbenro Adebanjo, “Dr Arijesuyo’s death is a big loss to FUTA, the academic community in Nigeria and beyond.

“It is a death that should not have happened in the first place. It is the hope of the management, staff and students of FUTA that security agencies will go after the evil men who carried out the dastardly act and make them face the full weight of the law and just recompense for their heinous crime.”